innocent spouse relief

Are You Unfairly Burdened By a Spouse’s Tax Errors? You May Qualify for “Innocent Spouse Relief”

September 17th, 2024|Categories: Burns Firm, CPA, CPA Dallas, CPA near me, CPA Texas, Dallas CPA, Injured Spouse Relief, Innocent Spouse, Innocent Spouse Relief, Services, Tax, tax accountant, tax accountant near me, Tax Advisor, Tax Return Filing, Tax Return Preparer, Texas CPA, The Burns Firm|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Navigating the complexities of tax law can be difficult, especially when faced with an unexpected tax bill due to the errors of a spouse or ex-spouse. The reason for [...]

Spouses Are Guilty Until Proven Innocent

May 18th, 2023|Categories: Accountant, Accounting, Burns Firm, CPA, CPA Dallas, CPA near me, Dallas CPA, Divorce, Innocent Spouse, Services, Tax, tax accountant, tax accountant near me, Tax Advisor, Tax Filing Status, Tax Preparation, Tax Return, Tax Return Filing, The Burns Firm|Tags: , , , , , , , |

When you got married, you knew it was for "better or worse." But you might not know about laws that hold you responsible if your spouse cheats on a tax [...]

An “Innocent Spouse” May Be Able to Escape Tax Liability

August 30th, 2022|Categories: Accountant, accountant near me, Accounting, Burns Firm, CPA, CPA Dallas, CPA near me, Dallas CPA, Dallas tax return preparer, Dallas tx accountant, Tax, tax accountant, tax accountant near me, Tax Advisor, Tax Planning, Tax Preparation, tax preparer near me, Tax Return, The Burns Firm|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

When a married couple files a joint tax return, each spouse is “jointly and severally” liable for the full amount of tax on the couple’s combined income. Therefore, the [...]

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