The Internal Revenue Service requires employers to get their employees their earnings information by the end of each January. But if your Form W-2 never arrives, you can create your own for tax-filing purposes. In order to do this, you need :

  • Year’s wages
  • Payroll taxes withheld
  • Federal and state income taxes withheld
  • Contributions to your company retirement/401k plan
  • Employer’s tax identification number

Tip: Check with your company’s payroll administrator regarding the missing W-2. If you find yourself needing to recreate a W-2 on an IRS form you will need wages, Social Security and Medicare taxes paid, federal and, if applicable, state and local taxes withheld, and any pension or 401k contributions. Your pay stub should show the employer information – company name, address and possibly the employer identification number, or EIN (You don’t have to have the EIN, but it will help when the IRS processes your return). Call us for more information on obtaining a missing W-2.