Business Automobile

Dos and Don’ts for Business Expense Deductions

February 6th, 2024|Categories: Accountant, Accounting, Burns Firm, Business, Business Automobile, Business Deductions, Business Expense Deductions, Business Vehicle, Business Write-offs, Client Gifts, CPA, CPA Dallas, CPA near me, CPADallas, Dallas CPA, Dallas tx accountant, Deductions, Entertainment Deductions, Expenses, Meals & Entertainment Deductions, Services, Tax, tax accountant, Tax Advisor, Tax Deductions, The Burns Firm|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

As tax season heats up, companies of all kinds and sizes will be on the hunt for ways to reduce their tax bills. One of the most common ways is [...]

The Standard Business Mileage Rate Will Be Going Up Slightly in 2024

January 4th, 2024|Categories: Accountant, Accounting, Burns Firm, Business, Business Automobile, Business Deductions, Business Vehicle, CPA, CPA Dallas, CPA near me, Dallas CPA, Deductions, Expenses, Services, Tax, tax accountant, Tax Advisor, Tax Deductions, The Burns Firm|Tags: , , , , , , , |

The optional standard mileage rate used to calculate the deductible cost of operating an automobile for business will be going up by 1.5 cents per mile in 2024. The IRS [...]

Business Automobiles: How the Tax Depreciation Rules Work

October 19th, 2023|Categories: Accountant, accountant near me, Burns Firm, Business Automobile, Business Write-offs, CPA, CPA Dallas, CPA near me, Dallas CPA, Depreciation, Services, Tax, tax accountant, Tax Advisor, Tax Deductions, Tax Depreciation, Tax Planning, The Burns Firm|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Do you use an automobile in your trade or business? If so, you may question how depreciation tax deductions are determined. The rules are complicated, and special limitations that apply [...]

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